Mr. Kyle Style's Loyal Website
Trimester 2
Feb. 13
Last Call !!!! Tech Museum Field Trip March 13, 2025
We need Drivers!!! Please consider driving as we only have seats for 13 students to go right now! Please join us and have a wonderful time learning with us in San Jose!
Field trip money and permission slips were due last week and then extended to Thursday (yesterday)!
If your student wants to go with us then please have them bring in their signed permission slip and $15 cash first thing tomorrow morning Feb. 14th.
People we'd love to have join us:
Bring in your valentines tomorrow! We are gonna have pizza so no lunch needed! Let's celebrate love!!
Feb. 11
Loyal: adjective giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution: he remained loyal to the government | loyal service.adjective giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution: he remained loyal to the government | loyal service.
Class Name List is on the Students page... I also sent a hard copy home with the students. This list if for students to check off their classmates that they are giving Valentine cards to.
Week Peek is updated and posted to the Leaning Together page! check it out and make your planner look like mine!
There are a number of students sitting on the side and not doing their due diligence to turn in their Tech Museum Field trip permission slip and $15. Please email me if you'd like to pay by using Venmo or need another field trip form and I will share the code or the form with you. We need all paper work and money in no later than this Friday! Thx!
The due date for this trimesters writing is due Thursday Feb. 27th! Start those editing engines and let's get this project done!
Mr. Kyle
Feb. 6
Room 18 News ALERT!!
We are planning a field trip to the Tech Museum next month!
Thursday March 13th 8am-2:15. look for the field trip form in your students planner! Sent home Monday!
Cost is $15 and I recommend bringing a few extra bills to cover gift shop and snack bar goodies!
Should be a fun day of learning outside the classroom! Please let me know if you can come along as we need drivers and I need crowd control!
Great week of learning together in groups!
Thrasher aka Mr. Kyle
Feb. 3. - Feb. 7 WEEK 22
Initiative:noun 1 the ability to assess and initiate things independently: use your initiative, imagination, and common sense.
Pictures tomorrow for the grads!! Please dress nice and show up!
Week Peek is posted...Check it out!
We are starting a unit on Egypt this week and doing some work in science learning about identifying trees in the winter.
Math chapter 9 is statistics and the students seem to really be enjoying it.
The class has started writing their rough drafts and have some super good topics that everyone is excited about. Should be lots of good presentations and information shared.
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 27. - Jan. 31 WEEK 21
Flexibility: willingness to change or compromise: the government has shown flexibility in applying its policy.
Just in case your student is coming home without signs of having any homework...
Here is a look at what we are doing this week in room 18!
Reading 45+ minutes per day. This is required reading even on weekends and through the holidays. Many students came back to school after the break and had not read in 3+ weeks! Some students read a lot and came back to meet their AR goals.
KHAN Math is 15+ minutes per day with 1 hour + being the end goal by Friday. Any LEARNING MINUTES at or after 75 minutes will receive up to 5 bonus points this week! There were a handful of students that took this challenge over the break, most of them being students that are already getting A's in Math. We will be doing daily BIM work for HW Monday through Thursday.
Writing right now is a writers workshop with the theme of INFORMATION. Every student has already picked their topics and have been developing their work as we are doing daily teaching points (TP's) in class. This project is due February 20. Mostly this work is done in class, but I do encourage students to take the daily parts we are working on home, so you can see it and give them feed back. Some grades were posted in iGrades this week so I am ready to field the "I turned that in!" and "The teacher is making this hard for me to learn, so I'm going on strike!" Remarks!
I'm good for it! Just remember that when it comes to grades and report cards...I'm just the messenger!
Just remember: Checking the waves is a great source of joy, even if you don't paddle out! Savor the search!
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 21. - Jan. 24 WEEK 20
Just in case your student is coming home without signs of having any homework...
Here is a look at what we are doing this week in room 18!
Reading 45+ minutes per day. This is required reading even on weekends and through the holidays. Many students came back to school after the break and had not read in 3+ weeks! Some students read a lot and came back to meet their AR goals.
KHAN Math is 15+ minutes per day with 1 hour + being the end goal by Friday. Any LEARNING MINUTES at or after 75 minutes will receive up to 5 bonus points this week! There were a handful of students that took this challenge over the break, most of them being students that are already getting A's in Math. We will be doing daily BIM work for HW Monday through Thursday.
Writing right now is a writers workshop with the theme of INFORMATION. Every student has already picked their topics and have been developing their work as we are doing daily teaching points (TP's) in class. This project is due February 20. Mostly this work is done in class, but I do encourage students to take the daily parts we are working on home, so you can see it and give them feed back. Some grades were posted in iGrades this week so I am ready to field the "I turned that in!" and "The teacher is making this hard for me to learn, so I'm going on strike!" Remarks!
I'm good for it! Just remember that when it comes to grades and report cards...I'm just the messenger!
Just remember: Checking the waves is a great source of joy, even if you don't paddle out! Enjoy the search!
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 26. - Jan. 31 WEEK 21
Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success: his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness
Great week of learning together again this week!
We did need to review class rules and expectations as to not make every directive and discussion a free for all brawl! Crazy! Past few days have been more productive and satisfying. Thank you!
Full week of learning this next week! We need it cause we are jumping right in to the Writer's Workshop and penning our first rough drafts very soon!
Let's stay healthy and come to school Monday rested and ready to roll!
Mr. Kyle
PS. A few students did not do any reading over the break and are way behind with their goals...bummer! Also, only a handful of students did accept the break challenge to do KHAN during the holidays and received bonus points! More than the, they are that much further ahead in Math! Please check in with your student to ensure that they are doing all assigned KHAN, Reading, Math BIM work and other assignments. Missing work this trimester is MISSING and given a grade of 0%. Stay ahead of these zero's and check in with your student! I'm just sayin'....
Jan. 14-17 * WEEK 19
Here we go back to school!
I have had a great time resting, working around the house, golfing and spending time with family. I will share some of my adventures as soon as we get back together in class and I look forward to hearing about your adventures as well.
Thanks so much for all the really nice Christmas cards and wishes! I appreciated the gifts that I received as well and so did my wife Sherry!
I will update this page after we get back and settle in and start to catch up with everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Mr. Kyle
Dec. 16. - Jan. 14 WEEK 18
Analytical: adjective...relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
Here we go! Another week of working together and wrapping up lessons and units. Here is an analysis of where we are at and where we are heading!
Math: We are finished with chapter 5 and have a good grasp of the concepts in all 7 lessons.
*KHAN: 40 minutes per week is the ongoing goal for this trimester with plus minutes providing bonus points.
This extends through the holiday as I want to see Math progress in January. Extra credit for 40+ each week.
Social Studies: Week 6 is complete and we are ready to begin new era in ancient history when we get back together in January.
*Reading: Our AR goals are all set and we are off reading in new ZPD's to enhance our fluency, vocabulary and love for reading. 45 minutes is the goal daily through the break as well.
Writing: Narratives in T1 were great and now we are writing about Information and designing a write to showcase what we know about a single skill or interest.
*Science: We are doing the Body Systems. Posters are done and each team is sharing their information with the class. Science Fair projects are happening and extra credit is available to the students particitpating
Thursday we will be doing our White Elephant gifts and doing our party. Please bring in your gifts and have them wrapped by Wednesday if you are planning to participate!
Friday we will be a short day and we will have some doughnuts and hot cocoa at 9:30-10. We have ART right after recess. This will take us to lunch and then after that, we go home for the Holidays!!!!!
Have a Wonderful Winter Vacation, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay Frosty everyone! Santa Clause is coming to town!
Mr. Kyle (Still on the nice list!!)
* extra credit and assigned work through the holiday. Science fair was presented as optional but extra credit is given.
Dec. 9. WEEK 17
Persistence: noun... firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
We started off the morning with a great visit from our beloved principal Mrs. Green! She had been very ill with the Rona and it was not allowing her to get better. Finally with enough rest, she was able to comeback to school.
We should be all done with the MAP testing by tomorrow! Once we are finished, we will be working on CH 5 BIM summary and final test. The week 6 Studies Weekly test is due this Friday as well as the Science Human Body Systems projects.
Enjoy this nice weather cause by Friday we will start to see some rain and clouds!
At the end of this week we will have finished all of our teacher student meetings. Please check with your student so that you know: Their AR goal for the trimester, academic goals and social goals are also reset.
5th week into the 2nd trimester already and some students are dropping behind! Please check in with your student and make sure that they can keep up with assigned homework and weekly assignments.
This week we are seeking 40+ minutes of Khan plus BIM work, reading 45+ minutes daily, and writing for Information!
Week Peek is updated and ready to view!
Let's make is a great week for learning!
Mr. Kyle
Dec. 3. WEEK 16
Quick note to let parents know that there was a flyer sent home yesterday that is a permission slip for working on a Science Fair Project. Please read and consider having your student participate. I am offering extra credit for every student who signs up and does a project. Contact me if you have any questions.
Dec. 2. WEEK 16
Resilient: adjective1 (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions:
I hope that y'all had a good Thanksgiving and were able to gather with your families and celebrate all the many things we have to be grateful for!
It was good to gather today with the students and hear about the fun things that they did over the holiday! They were excited and chatty, but fun! We had a few breaks to just chat and check in with our friends.
This week we will be going over the goals together "in my office" to set AR, social and academic goals for T2!
Look for report cards coming home today! They are in a white legal envelope along with some other info. Please text me if you have any questions.
Pictures are coming home tomorrow!
Week peek is posted and ready for you to review on the Learning Together link.
Let's make this a memorable week of learning together,
Mr. Kyle
Nov. 18. WEEK 15
Parent teacher conferences:
Thanks parents for coming in to meet with me on time. I enjoyed talking with each of you last week and feel like the remainder of the year together is gonna be fantastic!
I fully appreciate all your encouragement that you give your student and me. I'm blessed to work at this great school and I am glad to check off the last parent teacher conference week of my career! It was a good week and this year is turning out to be a great one!
Let's Go!!!
Mr. Kyle
Nov. 11. WEEK 14
Humility: noun a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness: he needs the humility to accept that their way may be better.
We've had a great start to getting things done this week!
All the Small moment writings have been turned in, edited and printed. Thanks to everyone who revised, edited and worked to make this happen. These will be evaluated on the the work and the whole process along with participation for a final Language Arts grade.
Students who had missing work from last week were given fair warnings and time to work on make ups on Tuesday and today. Any work completed now, must come with a note letting me know the assignment and the score to receive any credit toward T1.
It is officially T2 now and we are off to some new adventures, lessons and projects! Science has us in groups working together on the 7 body systems. Math we are leaning about ratios, their relationship to each other, percents and their relations to ratios. Reading has us following the adventures of Rudi Matt a Swiss lad who is destined to work in the hotel business when his heart is really in the Alps and wanting to be a mountain guide. Our Writing for a narrative has concluded and now we are starting to focus on the Information write.
I am looking forward to talking with all you parents and going through some of your students work, progress, achievements and things that they need to work on academically and socially.
Nov. 4. WEEK 13
Conscientious: meticulous, careful; governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience : scrupulous…
It's that time of the trimester where students should be checking grades and turning in any late or incomplete work. My deadline for this late work is Thursday the 7th.
Please check in with your student to make sure that the grades are looking good and that all assignments are turned in.
Also this week we are wrapping up our trimester project Narrative writing about a small moment. Please take some time to help your student by reading their rough draft and giving them any needed editing. If you can print the narrative write at home, that would be awesome! These writes are due and printed by this Thursday afternoon the 7th.
This week the classwork is going to be the KHAN with other Math BIM lessons form Chapter 5. There will also be Science group work with The Body Systems. Homework is going to be 30+ minutes reading daily, with the final Narrative draft printed and complete. Any AR outstanding quizzes needing to be taken should be submitted by Thursday afternoon!
Lots to do during this busy first week of November!
Let's see what we can learn together!
Mr. Kyle
Oct.31. WEEK 12 continued...
...It's getting kinda spooky!!
It's starting...the dreaded zombie like behavior that takes over most elementary age students as the scary day of Halloween quickly approaches.
Symptoms include: dazed looks, answering teachers questions with, "Huh?! and Wha?!", making weird and really strange noises, unconsciously wondering around the classroom, asking to go use the restroom repeatedly as soon as a lesson starts or immediately after a recess and especially after walking right by the restrooms when coming back from a pull out, not turning in assigned work, and digging through their desk while the teacher is explaining a lesson.
The reason:
It took me many years of teaching and researching October Student Behavior ( aka...OSB) to finally crack this code...
but I did it!!!
It's candy!
5 Ways to ease the OSB symptoms:
1. Never allow your children to know where you have hidden the Halloween candy!
2. Never assume that they do not know that you have hidden candy in the house...they know!
3. Do not hide candy in the house! I'd give you ideas of where to hide the goods, but the students might actually read these weekly updates and that could turn everything upside down. Berrrr, sends spines down my shivers!!
4. Check their lunch bag each day of Oct. and early Nov. to insure that there is no evidence of contraband being smuggled!
5. Relax, carve a pumpkin, and do really nice things for your student's teacher to insure their sanity! Educators will need extra support as they wade through the fog of this harrowing Halloween season.
"..The midnight hour is close at hand..."
Happy Halloween everyone!
PS. Week Peek is posted and homework journals updated. No school tomorrow! Have fun! Check it out!
Oct. 28. WEEK 12
Adventurous: adjective - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences! They knew a week at science camp would be adventurous with their teacher named Thrasher!
The adventure continues this week. Yesterday we had 12 students missing! THAT HAS TO BE A NEW WORLD RECORD! If your student is out sick, please make sure to call the office and let them know what's up!
Halloween Adventure Thursday! We have a fun parade with our Buddy Class in the morning and then a Taco Truck for lunch! You will not need to bring lunch
This week we are finishing up chapter 3 in Math. We will take a pretest together today to check for understanding and then take another later on Thursday.
Retake Picture day tomorrow! Just a heads up Wednesday Oct. 30!
Speaking of pics...I will be making a shared folder for y'all of the pics and movies I have from Science Camp! Make sure to show your parents! I was only able to upload 19 pics from OSS while at camp as the WiFi there was so poor. This way, you can view and take pics of the shots that you like or make copies to your Google drive!
Week Peek is up and ready for you to view. Lots of work being turned in late but at least students are getting partial credit. This is a good week to check your grades and see what you still need to do! End of the trimester is coming up fast, November 8. I will be closing down the books this next week and tallying up the grades! Parent conferences are the next thing on the agenda so I need to get ready for that! Check the learning together page for the latest time sheet for those PT Conferences.
Oct. 21. WEEK 11 Drop off this AM is 8:30-8:50
Adventurous: adjective - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences! They knew a week at science camp would be adventurous with their teacher named Thrasher!
Looking forward to seeing everyone today as we launch our adventure to the redwoods and enjoy a week of learning and growing together!
I will be updating this page with pics from camp each afternoon!
Let's Go!
Thrasher an adventurous traveler | let's be adventurous. • involving new ideas or methods
Last Call !!!! Tech Museum Field Trip March 13, 2025
We need Drivers!!! Please consider driving as we only have seats for 13 students to go right now! Please join us and have a wonderful time learning with us in San Jose!
Field trip money and permission slips were due last week and then extended to Thursday (yesterday)!
If your student wants to go with us then please have them bring in their signed permission slip and $15 cash first thing tomorrow morning Feb. 14th.
People we'd love to have join us:
- Aurora- P Slip
- Conor- $
- Brayden- Both
- Kai- $
- Price- $
- Joey- Both
Bring in your valentines tomorrow! We are gonna have pizza so no lunch needed! Let's celebrate love!!
Feb. 11
Loyal: adjective giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution: he remained loyal to the government | loyal service.adjective giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution: he remained loyal to the government | loyal service.
Class Name List is on the Students page... I also sent a hard copy home with the students. This list if for students to check off their classmates that they are giving Valentine cards to.
Week Peek is updated and posted to the Leaning Together page! check it out and make your planner look like mine!
There are a number of students sitting on the side and not doing their due diligence to turn in their Tech Museum Field trip permission slip and $15. Please email me if you'd like to pay by using Venmo or need another field trip form and I will share the code or the form with you. We need all paper work and money in no later than this Friday! Thx!
The due date for this trimesters writing is due Thursday Feb. 27th! Start those editing engines and let's get this project done!
Mr. Kyle
Feb. 6
Room 18 News ALERT!!
We are planning a field trip to the Tech Museum next month!
Thursday March 13th 8am-2:15. look for the field trip form in your students planner! Sent home Monday!
Cost is $15 and I recommend bringing a few extra bills to cover gift shop and snack bar goodies!
Should be a fun day of learning outside the classroom! Please let me know if you can come along as we need drivers and I need crowd control!
Great week of learning together in groups!
Thrasher aka Mr. Kyle
Feb. 3. - Feb. 7 WEEK 22
Initiative:noun 1 the ability to assess and initiate things independently: use your initiative, imagination, and common sense.
Pictures tomorrow for the grads!! Please dress nice and show up!
Week Peek is posted...Check it out!
We are starting a unit on Egypt this week and doing some work in science learning about identifying trees in the winter.
Math chapter 9 is statistics and the students seem to really be enjoying it.
The class has started writing their rough drafts and have some super good topics that everyone is excited about. Should be lots of good presentations and information shared.
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 27. - Jan. 31 WEEK 21
Flexibility: willingness to change or compromise: the government has shown flexibility in applying its policy.
Just in case your student is coming home without signs of having any homework...
Here is a look at what we are doing this week in room 18!
Reading 45+ minutes per day. This is required reading even on weekends and through the holidays. Many students came back to school after the break and had not read in 3+ weeks! Some students read a lot and came back to meet their AR goals.
KHAN Math is 15+ minutes per day with 1 hour + being the end goal by Friday. Any LEARNING MINUTES at or after 75 minutes will receive up to 5 bonus points this week! There were a handful of students that took this challenge over the break, most of them being students that are already getting A's in Math. We will be doing daily BIM work for HW Monday through Thursday.
Writing right now is a writers workshop with the theme of INFORMATION. Every student has already picked their topics and have been developing their work as we are doing daily teaching points (TP's) in class. This project is due February 20. Mostly this work is done in class, but I do encourage students to take the daily parts we are working on home, so you can see it and give them feed back. Some grades were posted in iGrades this week so I am ready to field the "I turned that in!" and "The teacher is making this hard for me to learn, so I'm going on strike!" Remarks!
I'm good for it! Just remember that when it comes to grades and report cards...I'm just the messenger!
Just remember: Checking the waves is a great source of joy, even if you don't paddle out! Savor the search!
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 21. - Jan. 24 WEEK 20
Just in case your student is coming home without signs of having any homework...
Here is a look at what we are doing this week in room 18!
Reading 45+ minutes per day. This is required reading even on weekends and through the holidays. Many students came back to school after the break and had not read in 3+ weeks! Some students read a lot and came back to meet their AR goals.
KHAN Math is 15+ minutes per day with 1 hour + being the end goal by Friday. Any LEARNING MINUTES at or after 75 minutes will receive up to 5 bonus points this week! There were a handful of students that took this challenge over the break, most of them being students that are already getting A's in Math. We will be doing daily BIM work for HW Monday through Thursday.
Writing right now is a writers workshop with the theme of INFORMATION. Every student has already picked their topics and have been developing their work as we are doing daily teaching points (TP's) in class. This project is due February 20. Mostly this work is done in class, but I do encourage students to take the daily parts we are working on home, so you can see it and give them feed back. Some grades were posted in iGrades this week so I am ready to field the "I turned that in!" and "The teacher is making this hard for me to learn, so I'm going on strike!" Remarks!
I'm good for it! Just remember that when it comes to grades and report cards...I'm just the messenger!
Just remember: Checking the waves is a great source of joy, even if you don't paddle out! Enjoy the search!
Mr. Kyle
Jan. 26. - Jan. 31 WEEK 21
Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success: his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness
Great week of learning together again this week!
We did need to review class rules and expectations as to not make every directive and discussion a free for all brawl! Crazy! Past few days have been more productive and satisfying. Thank you!
Full week of learning this next week! We need it cause we are jumping right in to the Writer's Workshop and penning our first rough drafts very soon!
Let's stay healthy and come to school Monday rested and ready to roll!
Mr. Kyle
PS. A few students did not do any reading over the break and are way behind with their goals...bummer! Also, only a handful of students did accept the break challenge to do KHAN during the holidays and received bonus points! More than the, they are that much further ahead in Math! Please check in with your student to ensure that they are doing all assigned KHAN, Reading, Math BIM work and other assignments. Missing work this trimester is MISSING and given a grade of 0%. Stay ahead of these zero's and check in with your student! I'm just sayin'....
Jan. 14-17 * WEEK 19
Here we go back to school!
I have had a great time resting, working around the house, golfing and spending time with family. I will share some of my adventures as soon as we get back together in class and I look forward to hearing about your adventures as well.
Thanks so much for all the really nice Christmas cards and wishes! I appreciated the gifts that I received as well and so did my wife Sherry!
I will update this page after we get back and settle in and start to catch up with everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Mr. Kyle
Dec. 16. - Jan. 14 WEEK 18
Analytical: adjective...relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
Here we go! Another week of working together and wrapping up lessons and units. Here is an analysis of where we are at and where we are heading!
Math: We are finished with chapter 5 and have a good grasp of the concepts in all 7 lessons.
*KHAN: 40 minutes per week is the ongoing goal for this trimester with plus minutes providing bonus points.
This extends through the holiday as I want to see Math progress in January. Extra credit for 40+ each week.
Social Studies: Week 6 is complete and we are ready to begin new era in ancient history when we get back together in January.
*Reading: Our AR goals are all set and we are off reading in new ZPD's to enhance our fluency, vocabulary and love for reading. 45 minutes is the goal daily through the break as well.
Writing: Narratives in T1 were great and now we are writing about Information and designing a write to showcase what we know about a single skill or interest.
*Science: We are doing the Body Systems. Posters are done and each team is sharing their information with the class. Science Fair projects are happening and extra credit is available to the students particitpating
Thursday we will be doing our White Elephant gifts and doing our party. Please bring in your gifts and have them wrapped by Wednesday if you are planning to participate!
Friday we will be a short day and we will have some doughnuts and hot cocoa at 9:30-10. We have ART right after recess. This will take us to lunch and then after that, we go home for the Holidays!!!!!
Have a Wonderful Winter Vacation, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay Frosty everyone! Santa Clause is coming to town!
Mr. Kyle (Still on the nice list!!)
* extra credit and assigned work through the holiday. Science fair was presented as optional but extra credit is given.
Dec. 9. WEEK 17
Persistence: noun... firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
We started off the morning with a great visit from our beloved principal Mrs. Green! She had been very ill with the Rona and it was not allowing her to get better. Finally with enough rest, she was able to comeback to school.
We should be all done with the MAP testing by tomorrow! Once we are finished, we will be working on CH 5 BIM summary and final test. The week 6 Studies Weekly test is due this Friday as well as the Science Human Body Systems projects.
Enjoy this nice weather cause by Friday we will start to see some rain and clouds!
At the end of this week we will have finished all of our teacher student meetings. Please check with your student so that you know: Their AR goal for the trimester, academic goals and social goals are also reset.
5th week into the 2nd trimester already and some students are dropping behind! Please check in with your student and make sure that they can keep up with assigned homework and weekly assignments.
This week we are seeking 40+ minutes of Khan plus BIM work, reading 45+ minutes daily, and writing for Information!
Week Peek is updated and ready to view!
Let's make is a great week for learning!
Mr. Kyle
Dec. 3. WEEK 16
Quick note to let parents know that there was a flyer sent home yesterday that is a permission slip for working on a Science Fair Project. Please read and consider having your student participate. I am offering extra credit for every student who signs up and does a project. Contact me if you have any questions.
Dec. 2. WEEK 16
Resilient: adjective1 (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions:
I hope that y'all had a good Thanksgiving and were able to gather with your families and celebrate all the many things we have to be grateful for!
It was good to gather today with the students and hear about the fun things that they did over the holiday! They were excited and chatty, but fun! We had a few breaks to just chat and check in with our friends.
This week we will be going over the goals together "in my office" to set AR, social and academic goals for T2!
Look for report cards coming home today! They are in a white legal envelope along with some other info. Please text me if you have any questions.
Pictures are coming home tomorrow!
Week peek is posted and ready for you to review on the Learning Together link.
Let's make this a memorable week of learning together,
Mr. Kyle
Nov. 18. WEEK 15
Parent teacher conferences:
Thanks parents for coming in to meet with me on time. I enjoyed talking with each of you last week and feel like the remainder of the year together is gonna be fantastic!
I fully appreciate all your encouragement that you give your student and me. I'm blessed to work at this great school and I am glad to check off the last parent teacher conference week of my career! It was a good week and this year is turning out to be a great one!
Let's Go!!!
Mr. Kyle
Nov. 11. WEEK 14
Humility: noun a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness: he needs the humility to accept that their way may be better.
We've had a great start to getting things done this week!
All the Small moment writings have been turned in, edited and printed. Thanks to everyone who revised, edited and worked to make this happen. These will be evaluated on the the work and the whole process along with participation for a final Language Arts grade.
Students who had missing work from last week were given fair warnings and time to work on make ups on Tuesday and today. Any work completed now, must come with a note letting me know the assignment and the score to receive any credit toward T1.
It is officially T2 now and we are off to some new adventures, lessons and projects! Science has us in groups working together on the 7 body systems. Math we are leaning about ratios, their relationship to each other, percents and their relations to ratios. Reading has us following the adventures of Rudi Matt a Swiss lad who is destined to work in the hotel business when his heart is really in the Alps and wanting to be a mountain guide. Our Writing for a narrative has concluded and now we are starting to focus on the Information write.
I am looking forward to talking with all you parents and going through some of your students work, progress, achievements and things that they need to work on academically and socially.
Nov. 4. WEEK 13
Conscientious: meticulous, careful; governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience : scrupulous…
It's that time of the trimester where students should be checking grades and turning in any late or incomplete work. My deadline for this late work is Thursday the 7th.
Please check in with your student to make sure that the grades are looking good and that all assignments are turned in.
Also this week we are wrapping up our trimester project Narrative writing about a small moment. Please take some time to help your student by reading their rough draft and giving them any needed editing. If you can print the narrative write at home, that would be awesome! These writes are due and printed by this Thursday afternoon the 7th.
This week the classwork is going to be the KHAN with other Math BIM lessons form Chapter 5. There will also be Science group work with The Body Systems. Homework is going to be 30+ minutes reading daily, with the final Narrative draft printed and complete. Any AR outstanding quizzes needing to be taken should be submitted by Thursday afternoon!
Lots to do during this busy first week of November!
Let's see what we can learn together!
Mr. Kyle
Oct.31. WEEK 12 continued...
...It's getting kinda spooky!!
It's starting...the dreaded zombie like behavior that takes over most elementary age students as the scary day of Halloween quickly approaches.
Symptoms include: dazed looks, answering teachers questions with, "Huh?! and Wha?!", making weird and really strange noises, unconsciously wondering around the classroom, asking to go use the restroom repeatedly as soon as a lesson starts or immediately after a recess and especially after walking right by the restrooms when coming back from a pull out, not turning in assigned work, and digging through their desk while the teacher is explaining a lesson.
The reason:
It took me many years of teaching and researching October Student Behavior ( aka...OSB) to finally crack this code...
but I did it!!!
It's candy!
5 Ways to ease the OSB symptoms:
1. Never allow your children to know where you have hidden the Halloween candy!
2. Never assume that they do not know that you have hidden candy in the house...they know!
3. Do not hide candy in the house! I'd give you ideas of where to hide the goods, but the students might actually read these weekly updates and that could turn everything upside down. Berrrr, sends spines down my shivers!!
4. Check their lunch bag each day of Oct. and early Nov. to insure that there is no evidence of contraband being smuggled!
5. Relax, carve a pumpkin, and do really nice things for your student's teacher to insure their sanity! Educators will need extra support as they wade through the fog of this harrowing Halloween season.
"..The midnight hour is close at hand..."
Happy Halloween everyone!
PS. Week Peek is posted and homework journals updated. No school tomorrow! Have fun! Check it out!
Oct. 28. WEEK 12
Adventurous: adjective - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences! They knew a week at science camp would be adventurous with their teacher named Thrasher!
The adventure continues this week. Yesterday we had 12 students missing! THAT HAS TO BE A NEW WORLD RECORD! If your student is out sick, please make sure to call the office and let them know what's up!
Halloween Adventure Thursday! We have a fun parade with our Buddy Class in the morning and then a Taco Truck for lunch! You will not need to bring lunch
This week we are finishing up chapter 3 in Math. We will take a pretest together today to check for understanding and then take another later on Thursday.
Retake Picture day tomorrow! Just a heads up Wednesday Oct. 30!
Speaking of pics...I will be making a shared folder for y'all of the pics and movies I have from Science Camp! Make sure to show your parents! I was only able to upload 19 pics from OSS while at camp as the WiFi there was so poor. This way, you can view and take pics of the shots that you like or make copies to your Google drive!
Week Peek is up and ready for you to view. Lots of work being turned in late but at least students are getting partial credit. This is a good week to check your grades and see what you still need to do! End of the trimester is coming up fast, November 8. I will be closing down the books this next week and tallying up the grades! Parent conferences are the next thing on the agenda so I need to get ready for that! Check the learning together page for the latest time sheet for those PT Conferences.
Oct. 21. WEEK 11 Drop off this AM is 8:30-8:50
Adventurous: adjective - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences! They knew a week at science camp would be adventurous with their teacher named Thrasher!
Looking forward to seeing everyone today as we launch our adventure to the redwoods and enjoy a week of learning and growing together!
I will be updating this page with pics from camp each afternoon!
Let's Go!
Thrasher an adventurous traveler | let's be adventurous. • involving new ideas or methods
6th Grade Parents!
We are excited to invited you to a special Science Camp Send-Off to cheer on our 6th graders before they embark on this memorable adventure!
We hope to see you there to give our campers a warm and joyful send-off before they board the bus!
We hope you will join us again on Friday the 25th at 11:30am as we return to Rio! Always a great Homecoming Party, great to see the reunions and we love having the parent help unloading the busses!
We are excited to invited you to a special Science Camp Send-Off to cheer on our 6th graders before they embark on this memorable adventure!
- When: Monday, October 21st at 9:30am (buses depart at 10:00am- a few parents will be needed at 9:30am to help load their gear on the bus)
- Where: School Quad (right outside of the office)
- We will gather in the quad to send off the kids with enthusiasm and positive energy! Signs, cheers, and words of encouragement are highly encouraged to make their departure extra special.
We hope to see you there to give our campers a warm and joyful send-off before they board the bus!
We hope you will join us again on Friday the 25th at 11:30am as we return to Rio! Always a great Homecoming Party, great to see the reunions and we love having the parent help unloading the busses!
Oct. 14. WEEK 10
Organized: verb: take responsibility for providing or arranging: he is sometimes asked to stay behind, organizing transportation.
This is a make up your work week! Please check your iGrades and make see if you have any incomplete assignments! If you do, make sure that you finish it, put it in the appropriate folder for Homework.
Week Peek is updated as well as the Students page.
Here is my ongoing prep HW for SC! What to bring list is on the Supply Page as well.
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 19
Oct. 13. of WEEK 9
On Monday I plan to check off all the paperwork that has been turned in on time for Science Camp. Please have your child bring all the permission slips signed and ready for me to collate by the 14th.
We will be making the cabins assignments and doing the cards this coming Monday morning. Each student needs to put the names of three friends that they wish to have in the cabin with them. In addition, they will need to provide a name (if they have one) of a friend that they know would not be a good match for them in their cabin. BTW these are kept very private and the students never see these cards!
Look for further camping hints here from Thrasher tomorrow afternoon!
Thrasher =P
Oct. 8. WEEK 9
Curiosity: kyo͝orēˈäsədē noun (plural curiosities) 1 a strong desire to know or learn something: filled with curiosity, she peered through the window | curiosity got the better of me, so I called him.
Here we go with week two and me still healing from back surgery. I hope everyone is still working hard and will be doing their best work so we will all be unified and pacing together. I plan to be back in class Monday morning this coming week.
Looks like all the same things are on the schedule: 30+ minutes of KHAN math this week, 30+ minutes of reading,
Language packet #3, Math Minutes, Asia Map completions and study- next week we will have Asia Bingo!
BIM work is up and the chapter review should be complete so you're ready for the Chapter 2 test!
Here is my ongoing prep HW for SC! What to bring list is on the Supply Page as well.
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 9
Mr. Kyle
Oct. 3 of WEEK 8
Thanks everyone for working with your student and making sure that they caught up with the KHAN math homework / classwork. I really want parents to know that this is the key to your student's math success going forward! I have seen mediocre students math advance to way above grade level by consistently applying effort to this work.
Please check your student's multiplication tables as well! We have been working on these in class and seeing some progress, but there needs to more and ASAP!
Common Sense would say that this is the year to really get things going with Math(Reading and Writing as well) cause once Jr. High gets going, it's easy to fall behind.
Spelling Test #3 tomorrow! Let's all get 100%
Week Peek is posted and ready to view!
Keep working on those Asia Maps and learning the countries!
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 8
Mr. Kyle
Sept. 30. WEEK 8
Common Sense: com·mon sense| ˌkämən ˈsens | noun good sense and sound judgment in practical matters: [as modifier] : a common-sense approach
Hi everyone, I am practicing common sense these next two weeks to rest and recuperate from back surgery. I know the class is in good hands and will continue to surge forward with their school subjects. My plan is to take one more week and then start physical therapy on the third week.
Keep checking in here to stay connected to the class, our progress and what to do to get ready for our upcoming science camp!
Mr. Kyle
Check in with your students to make sure that they are keeping up with their Khan Math. Many students are two weeks behind and about to see how their math grade is impacted by not doing their weekly KHAN work!
Sept. 23. WEEK 7
Integrity: noun. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.Synonyms: virtue, probity, rectitude
Antonyms: dishonesty
Hey Room 18 Family!
Tonight is the webinar for science camp if you want the option of attending the live meet and greet.
Join us for an Outdoor Science School parent/guardian information webinar presented in English and in Spanish at
6pm tonight, September 23rd
Webinar Link ID: See email
Passcode: See email
Sept. 16. WEEK 6
Energetic: adj. possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous:an energetic leader.
Hey Room 18ites!
Energetic is what I am trying to be as I prepare lessons for my sub for next Friday and the following week. No, I am not going on an extended surf trip to Moorea, rather, I am having back surgery. The procedure is called a laminotomy and here is the definition: A laminotomy is an orthopaedic neurosurgical procedure that removes part of the lamina of a vertebral arch in order to relieve pressure in the vertebral canal. A laminotomy is less invasive than conventional vertebral column surgery techniques, such as laminectomy because it leaves more ligaments and muscles attached to the spinous process intact and it requires removing less bone from the vertebra.
I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!
This week we continue to add pieces to our Small Moment narrative writing project. Students have started connecting their story events and writing out how they want their story to unfold. Get some details from them on how its going and what the take-a-way will be when the "big thing that happened" is over!
KHAN Math is catching on and the students are responding well to the bonus challenges and the push to do 45 minutes per week. Check it out and see what your student is working on today!
The level of learning and growth from the students has been very inspiring and many of the students are pushing themselves to achieve their best levels of growth in writing, math, reading and even throwing frisbees with accuracy!
Learning no limits,
Rm Eighteam rocks!
Sept. 9. WEEK 5
Honesty: plural hon·es·ties the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. Synonyms: rectitude, probity, integrity
Hello beloved Room 18 Family!
Honestly...super busy week everyday after school I have been working till 5:30+ with two doctor appts. and lots going on at the home front! So, thanks for your patience!
Now the electricity is off at my house for almost 24 hours and I have to get home to set up my generator!
More info and pics with the week peek coming later this evening!
8:02 PM, I'm back! Came home set up the generator and sure as the day is long, the power came back on! I had the fridge pulled out and plugged in and going...figures!
10:25 PM and still going! Gonna be tired tomorrow! Check the Week Peek on our Learning Together page. Lots going on, but the reminders and due dates coupled together with your students planner, its the perfect setup for success!
Making it a great week of learning together!
Mr. Kyle
Sept. 3. WEEK 4
Responsible: involving accountability or responsibility, as in having the power to control or manage:promoted to a responsible position in the firm.
Hello Room 18 Family!
Short info and more tomorrow.
I sent out an email from iGrades Plus! Please use that to set up your grade book for you and your student. Make the account name and password easy for you and your student to remember. Message may be in your junk folder so check there. I used moms email and can add the dads as well if you'd like. (except for Flo, I used dad's email.) Send and email or text with the email that you'd like added to the grade book account.
Students are being great and moved by the classmates that they wanted to work with. If they mess around or start getting behind...they get to move again! Don't be that guy!
AUG. 26. WEEK 3
Gratitude: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful:He expressed his gratitude to everyone on the staff.
Back to school night is this Wednesday evening at 6 pm! There will be no one from the Outdoor School here to present afterwards. Online Parent Information Webinars will be presented in English and in Spanish. You can choose to invite your families to one evening or give them the option to attend any and all of the evenings. During these webinars our staff will go over general information about the Outdoor Science School and answer questions from parents/guardians. Below are the details on the webinars to share with families:
There will be an online ZOOM meeting on Sept. 23rd at 6pm.
Webinar Link
Passcode: TBA
In case you missed Ms. Green's presentation last week...
Ms Greens presentation slides for Back to School.
Week Peek is posted! Please note what is for homework and classwork. Please help your student stay informed and organized!
AUG. 19. WEEK 2 Grace
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back to school! I will send emails occasionally, but the majority of our communication will be through my class website at: Please bookmark it and try to check-in Monday evening to see our week peek of whats going on! I wrote a message that is posted on my webpage!
I will also be using CLEVER to communicate directly with our students,
Here are a few things coming next week….
Reading our first book, Hatchet, with comprehension and thematic lessons.
Writing-We begin gathering ideas for our Narrative Writing "Small Moment".
Geography-We are learning about Africa and designing our first map so we can play bingo to learn the countries.
Math-We started with Whole Number Operations, next will be Powers and Exponents with Orders of Operations.
Social Studies-We started with Our World weekly paper #1 and will do Prehistoric Humans next with some fun thematic activities utilizing Studies Weekly.
Here are a few quick reminders for this week:
This week I will be sending an invitation to access the online grading system in iGrade Plus so you AND your child can keep track of grades and progress.
Our 6th grade Back to School Night will be on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:00-6:30 pm. Afterwards, we will have a brief Q & A regarding Science Camp with a representative from the camp. I apologize for not doing my BTSN on the same night as the school. Unfortunately, I will be in heading south for a friends retirement party. Please make every effort to attend this because it will cover important information about our 6th grade learning journey, including Science Camp, and much more. Hope y'all can make it.
Supplies-If you haven't already done so, please check out the list of supplies on the website.
An important resource for your 6th grade learner is here for videos, curriculum and review of lessons.6th Grade Resources Link. This is especially helpful when your child is absent, or doesn't understand a new math concept.
Field Trips- Please email me if you would like to drive on a fun learning adventure. Please note: you need to be vaccinated, TB tested, and finger-printed by the district and have the appropriate auto insurance.
Let me know if you have any questions, or concerns and welcome back to the school and room 18!
Let's have the best year ever of learning,
Mr. Kyle
AUG. 16. WEEK 1.2
6th grade is having our Back to School Night on August 28th at 6pm to 6;30pm! Make sure that you put this on your calendars and plan to come! We will be having a Science Camp representative coming to talk to all the parents for questions after or class meeting.
AUG. 14. WEEK 1 Grace
A little bit about me:
This begins my 37th year of teaching! I have seen many cycles in education and a lot of them are just the same with different names. Some things that I do not change or leave out are:
1) Honoring all my students for who they are and giving each one equal attention and access to learning. (EQUALITY)
2) Giving each student the benefit of the doubt (trust).
3) Believing students will rise to meet all the expectations of being a positive student who is growing toward their potential. (BELIEF)
4) Respecting our country by saluting the American flag each morning. (RESPECT AND HONOR)
I hope you will agree with me that now more than ever, we need to stand together as Americans to honor our country, OUR FLAG and all those who give and gave so much to make this the great nation that it is!
Let's do this thang!!!
Oct. 14. WEEK 10
Organized: verb: take responsibility for providing or arranging: he is sometimes asked to stay behind, organizing transportation.
This is a make up your work week! Please check your iGrades and make see if you have any incomplete assignments! If you do, make sure that you finish it, put it in the appropriate folder for Homework.
Week Peek is updated as well as the Students page.
Here is my ongoing prep HW for SC! What to bring list is on the Supply Page as well.
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 19
- Clear a space in your room and get it ready for your camp gear!
- Make sure all signed papers have been returned to Mr. Kyle / Thrasher!
- Find your sleeping bag and get the sheets that you want to use and a blanket.
- No pillow yet, that is the last thing.
- Flashlight with new batteries.
- Rain parka or poncho cause ya know its gonna rain! Count on it and if it does not, that gear will be at the bottom of your duffle bag and can stay there till you get back home.
- 8 Pairs of sox, 3-4 pairs of Jeans, extra hiking boots in the event of rain (or not).
- Laundry bag or large garbage bag (for placing your soiled clothes and stinky socks in at the end of each day).
- Backpack
- Camera
- Shirts- long and short sleeve.
- Heavy Sweater or sweatshirt
- Shoes- two pair closed toe suitable for hiking.
- 2 Bath towels and a wash cloth
For Monday morning:- Pillow(s)
- Toiletries: See list...
- Water Bottle
- Lunch packed with your name written on the bag
- Paper, Pen/Pencil, Stamps w/ pre addressed envelopes
- A book that you are reading
You will not need to arrive at school until 8:30 and no later than 8:50. Please place all your camp gear near the flag pole in the parking lot. Be sure that all you luggage, bags have your name attached and visible! Grab your sack lunch and come up to the classroom- do not leave your lunch by the flag pole!
Stay Organized!
Oct. 13. of WEEK 9
On Monday I plan to check off all the paperwork that has been turned in on time for Science Camp. Please have your child bring all the permission slips signed and ready for me to collate by the 14th.
We will be making the cabins assignments and doing the cards this coming Monday morning. Each student needs to put the names of three friends that they wish to have in the cabin with them. In addition, they will need to provide a name (if they have one) of a friend that they know would not be a good match for them in their cabin. BTW these are kept very private and the students never see these cards!
Look for further camping hints here from Thrasher tomorrow afternoon!
Thrasher =P
Oct. 8. WEEK 9
Curiosity: kyo͝orēˈäsədē noun (plural curiosities) 1 a strong desire to know or learn something: filled with curiosity, she peered through the window | curiosity got the better of me, so I called him.
Here we go with week two and me still healing from back surgery. I hope everyone is still working hard and will be doing their best work so we will all be unified and pacing together. I plan to be back in class Monday morning this coming week.
Looks like all the same things are on the schedule: 30+ minutes of KHAN math this week, 30+ minutes of reading,
Language packet #3, Math Minutes, Asia Map completions and study- next week we will have Asia Bingo!
BIM work is up and the chapter review should be complete so you're ready for the Chapter 2 test!
Here is my ongoing prep HW for SC! What to bring list is on the Supply Page as well.
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 9
- Clear a space in your room and get it ready for your camp gear!
- Make sure all signed papers have been returned to Mr. Kyle / Thrasher!
- Find your sleeping bag and get the sheets that you want to use and a blanket.
- No pillow yet, that is the last thing.
- Flashlight with new batteries.
- Rain parka or poncho cause ya know its gonna rain! Count on it and if it does not, that gear will be at the bottom of your duffle bag and can stay there till you get back home.
- 8 Pairs of sox, 3-4 pairs of Jeans, extra hiking boots in the event of rain (or not).
Mr. Kyle
Oct. 3 of WEEK 8
Thanks everyone for working with your student and making sure that they caught up with the KHAN math homework / classwork. I really want parents to know that this is the key to your student's math success going forward! I have seen mediocre students math advance to way above grade level by consistently applying effort to this work.
Please check your student's multiplication tables as well! We have been working on these in class and seeing some progress, but there needs to more and ASAP!
Common Sense would say that this is the year to really get things going with Math(Reading and Writing as well) cause once Jr. High gets going, it's easy to fall behind.
Spelling Test #3 tomorrow! Let's all get 100%
Week Peek is posted and ready to view!
Keep working on those Asia Maps and learning the countries!
Thrasher's Science Camp Prep: Week 8
- Clear a space in your room and get it ready for your camp gear!
- Make sure all signed papers have been returned to Mr. Kyle / Thrasher!
Mr. Kyle
Sept. 30. WEEK 8
Common Sense: com·mon sense| ˌkämən ˈsens | noun good sense and sound judgment in practical matters: [as modifier] : a common-sense approach
Hi everyone, I am practicing common sense these next two weeks to rest and recuperate from back surgery. I know the class is in good hands and will continue to surge forward with their school subjects. My plan is to take one more week and then start physical therapy on the third week.
Keep checking in here to stay connected to the class, our progress and what to do to get ready for our upcoming science camp!
Mr. Kyle
Check in with your students to make sure that they are keeping up with their Khan Math. Many students are two weeks behind and about to see how their math grade is impacted by not doing their weekly KHAN work!
Sept. 23. WEEK 7
Integrity: noun. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.Synonyms: virtue, probity, rectitude
Antonyms: dishonesty
Hey Room 18 Family!
Tonight is the webinar for science camp if you want the option of attending the live meet and greet.
Join us for an Outdoor Science School parent/guardian information webinar presented in English and in Spanish at
6pm tonight, September 23rd
Webinar Link ID: See email
Passcode: See email
Sept. 16. WEEK 6
Energetic: adj. possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous:an energetic leader.
Hey Room 18ites!
Energetic is what I am trying to be as I prepare lessons for my sub for next Friday and the following week. No, I am not going on an extended surf trip to Moorea, rather, I am having back surgery. The procedure is called a laminotomy and here is the definition: A laminotomy is an orthopaedic neurosurgical procedure that removes part of the lamina of a vertebral arch in order to relieve pressure in the vertebral canal. A laminotomy is less invasive than conventional vertebral column surgery techniques, such as laminectomy because it leaves more ligaments and muscles attached to the spinous process intact and it requires removing less bone from the vertebra.
I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!
This week we continue to add pieces to our Small Moment narrative writing project. Students have started connecting their story events and writing out how they want their story to unfold. Get some details from them on how its going and what the take-a-way will be when the "big thing that happened" is over!
KHAN Math is catching on and the students are responding well to the bonus challenges and the push to do 45 minutes per week. Check it out and see what your student is working on today!
The level of learning and growth from the students has been very inspiring and many of the students are pushing themselves to achieve their best levels of growth in writing, math, reading and even throwing frisbees with accuracy!
Learning no limits,
Rm Eighteam rocks!
Sept. 9. WEEK 5
Honesty: plural hon·es·ties the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. Synonyms: rectitude, probity, integrity
Hello beloved Room 18 Family!
Honestly...super busy week everyday after school I have been working till 5:30+ with two doctor appts. and lots going on at the home front! So, thanks for your patience!
Now the electricity is off at my house for almost 24 hours and I have to get home to set up my generator!
More info and pics with the week peek coming later this evening!
8:02 PM, I'm back! Came home set up the generator and sure as the day is long, the power came back on! I had the fridge pulled out and plugged in and going...figures!
10:25 PM and still going! Gonna be tired tomorrow! Check the Week Peek on our Learning Together page. Lots going on, but the reminders and due dates coupled together with your students planner, its the perfect setup for success!
Making it a great week of learning together!
Mr. Kyle
Sept. 3. WEEK 4
Responsible: involving accountability or responsibility, as in having the power to control or manage:promoted to a responsible position in the firm.
Hello Room 18 Family!
Short info and more tomorrow.
I sent out an email from iGrades Plus! Please use that to set up your grade book for you and your student. Make the account name and password easy for you and your student to remember. Message may be in your junk folder so check there. I used moms email and can add the dads as well if you'd like. (except for Flo, I used dad's email.) Send and email or text with the email that you'd like added to the grade book account.
Students are being great and moved by the classmates that they wanted to work with. If they mess around or start getting behind...they get to move again! Don't be that guy!
AUG. 26. WEEK 3
Gratitude: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful:He expressed his gratitude to everyone on the staff.
Back to school night is this Wednesday evening at 6 pm! There will be no one from the Outdoor School here to present afterwards. Online Parent Information Webinars will be presented in English and in Spanish. You can choose to invite your families to one evening or give them the option to attend any and all of the evenings. During these webinars our staff will go over general information about the Outdoor Science School and answer questions from parents/guardians. Below are the details on the webinars to share with families:
There will be an online ZOOM meeting on Sept. 23rd at 6pm.
Webinar Link
Passcode: TBA
In case you missed Ms. Green's presentation last week...
Ms Greens presentation slides for Back to School.
Week Peek is posted! Please note what is for homework and classwork. Please help your student stay informed and organized!
AUG. 19. WEEK 2 Grace
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome back to school! I will send emails occasionally, but the majority of our communication will be through my class website at: Please bookmark it and try to check-in Monday evening to see our week peek of whats going on! I wrote a message that is posted on my webpage!
I will also be using CLEVER to communicate directly with our students,
Here are a few things coming next week….
Reading our first book, Hatchet, with comprehension and thematic lessons.
Writing-We begin gathering ideas for our Narrative Writing "Small Moment".
Geography-We are learning about Africa and designing our first map so we can play bingo to learn the countries.
Math-We started with Whole Number Operations, next will be Powers and Exponents with Orders of Operations.
Social Studies-We started with Our World weekly paper #1 and will do Prehistoric Humans next with some fun thematic activities utilizing Studies Weekly.
Here are a few quick reminders for this week:
This week I will be sending an invitation to access the online grading system in iGrade Plus so you AND your child can keep track of grades and progress.
Our 6th grade Back to School Night will be on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:00-6:30 pm. Afterwards, we will have a brief Q & A regarding Science Camp with a representative from the camp. I apologize for not doing my BTSN on the same night as the school. Unfortunately, I will be in heading south for a friends retirement party. Please make every effort to attend this because it will cover important information about our 6th grade learning journey, including Science Camp, and much more. Hope y'all can make it.
Supplies-If you haven't already done so, please check out the list of supplies on the website.
An important resource for your 6th grade learner is here for videos, curriculum and review of lessons.6th Grade Resources Link. This is especially helpful when your child is absent, or doesn't understand a new math concept.
Field Trips- Please email me if you would like to drive on a fun learning adventure. Please note: you need to be vaccinated, TB tested, and finger-printed by the district and have the appropriate auto insurance.
Let me know if you have any questions, or concerns and welcome back to the school and room 18!
Let's have the best year ever of learning,
Mr. Kyle
AUG. 16. WEEK 1.2
6th grade is having our Back to School Night on August 28th at 6pm to 6;30pm! Make sure that you put this on your calendars and plan to come! We will be having a Science Camp representative coming to talk to all the parents for questions after or class meeting.
AUG. 14. WEEK 1 Grace
A little bit about me:
This begins my 37th year of teaching! I have seen many cycles in education and a lot of them are just the same with different names. Some things that I do not change or leave out are:
1) Honoring all my students for who they are and giving each one equal attention and access to learning. (EQUALITY)
2) Giving each student the benefit of the doubt (trust).
3) Believing students will rise to meet all the expectations of being a positive student who is growing toward their potential. (BELIEF)
4) Respecting our country by saluting the American flag each morning. (RESPECT AND HONOR)
I hope you will agree with me that now more than ever, we need to stand together as Americans to honor our country, OUR FLAG and all those who give and gave so much to make this the great nation that it is!
Let's do this thang!!!
Tips are appreciated!!!
Tips are appreciated!!!